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Commuter Ops

Public·75 members

Good afternoon members just a quick follow up on the Crew Sheet meeting yesterday, the carrier has a revised schedule that is going into effect on July 12,2021 with that schedule there will be two additional jobs added to provide the necessary protection for the new schedule currently the carrier is not reworking the current crew sheets that we’re currently operating under however there’s on going discussions to get back to pre-COVID level. I’ll post a copy of the new schedule as well as crew sheets over the weekend I’m still currently reviewing them to make sure they are aligned with HOS and anything else that may need to be addresse.

Smart TD Local 577
Smart TD Local 577
Jun 12, 2021

Thank you Mason and everyone who dedicates their time and effort in making this happen. This Committe has worked diligently to get the BLE&T and SMART-TD back to the table to work together to protect this work. As was mentioned at the meeting, "the pay structures are different, there is no reason the assignment need to be married up". The bottom line is the work is protected, and we maintain a quality of life for the members that provide the service. I'm glad to see us back at the table again with that understanding.

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