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Commuter Ops

Public·75 members

There are rumors floating around about cutting swing jobs. Specifically 1301, 1303 and 1304.

Let me start with no, this is not true.

The conversation was about changing those jobs to trains that would more effectively cover summer ridership. These listed jobs do not "cut" enough tickets in the carriers opinion. We did discuss the difference between covering cars and cutting tickets.

They want to stop ordering "extras" to cover Cubs games.I do not feel at this time, the carrier is serious about it. It was the carriers response to people constantly asking them when the new crew sheets were going to take effect.

We can not stress enough, please STOP asking management about crew sheets.

This only serves to reignite the idea that changes need to happen from their perspective. Be careful what you wish for. Commuter Operations is no different from a budget standpoint than the rest of the UPRR. They are under pressure to do more with less manpower also. Freight currently has a shortage of conductors. If we keep pressuring the carrier some of us might end up back on the road. ~ Chad

Membre inconnu
01 oct. 2020

People need to realize management is not our friend.

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