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Public·78 members

Specifically, CP and UP request relief

from 49 CFR 232.213, Extended haul

trains; 232.15, Movement of defective

equipment; and 232.103(f), General

requirements for all train brake systems,

and an exemption from the

requirements of 49 U.S.C. 20303, for a

potash unit train pair (CP train symbols

668 and 669), which are designated as

extended haul trains, that operate

between loading facilities in

Saskatchewan, Canada, and the ports of

Portland, Oregon, United States. The

requested relief would allow

technology-based advanced testing (the

Automated Brake Effectiveness (ABE)

Test Process) performed by wheel

temperature detectors as an alternative

approach to manual Class I brake tests

performed by Certified Car Inspectors

(Qualified Mechanical Inspectors).


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