Vice Local Chairman for Metra Mason Lockett (312) 315-5756 Let's utilize our elected officers before contacting the Local Chairman for general questions.
Next regular meeting
October 7th at 8:00pm
Oak Street Restaurant & Bar
945 Oak St., Aurora, IL
Commuter Ops
SMART-TD Local 577 members are encouraged to attend a special meeting on September 25th at 8pm at the Oak Street Restaurant & Bar, 945 Oak St., Aurora, IL, regarding the Metra transition proposal.
Can anyone point me to the agreement that defines " giving an hour back" on long days
@Tom Bakr @mlockett35 Vice Local Comm. Op
Welcome to Metra... I got this email in my Metra email outlook account.
"It is your responsibility to personally complete the certifications. Failure to do so is a
violation of state law for which you can be disciplined by Metra, up to and including
discharge. In addition, Metra is required to report employees who fail to complete the
certifications to the Office of Executive Inspector General, who may seek to have the
@Jason Scibor @John Maeda @mlockett35 Vice Local Comm. Op @Jim Klingel @Ricker Marc @Smart TD Local 577