Vice Local Chairman for Yard Operations
Karl Joost
Let's utilize our elected officers for general questions before contacting
the Local Chairman
Next regular meeting
October 7th at 8:00pm
Oak Street Restaurant & Bar
945 Oak St., Aurora, IL
Vice Local Chairman for Yard Operations
Karl Joost
Let's utilize our elected officers for general questions before contacting
the Local Chairman
SMART-TD Local 577 members are encouraged to attend a special meeting on September 25th at 8pm at the Oak Street Restaurant & Bar, 945 Oak St., Aurora, IL, regarding the Metra transition proposal.
Please ensure you are asking for a ride to the head end of the train after doubling up at Yard Center. We have already reported the Carrier to the FRA and are currently pursuing a Crew Consist violation for every occurrence. If you are not given a ride to the head end prior to the train continuing on to 12th street, we need the following information in a comment on this post:
Your Name
Train Symbol & Date
Time you were refused a ride to the head end
Name of person that refused
Just trying to join
Good. How about the YCH64 at Yard Center? The foreman/conductor drives a vehicle and is never in the locomotive cab with the engineer.