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Commuter Ops

Public·75 members

Company business and other claims per Chapter 10, Bulletin 21

SECTION: B SUBJECT: Timekeeping 1. Claim Submissions Employees are not permitted to delay their tie up time for the purpose of submitting claims unrelated to the trip for which they are performing a delayed reporting or tie up. ALL unrelated claims should be made following tie up or at times the employee is not on duty. 2. TE&Y Instructions for Company Business Non-Service Claims The following instructions are to assist timekeeping with proper coding of your company business claims as well as providing employees with what information is required on these claims. You may add any additional comments you deem necessary, but each timeslip should start with the below listed required language then skip a line to add any additional comments. Example Claim: Claiming class of time (as shown below) for attending (as shown below). On (dates and times) led by (instructor/meeting leader). 'skip a line' Additional comments, if needed. Note: There is no need to enter the turn ID and who worked your job. Timekeeping research will reveal that information. SERVICE PERFORMED/CLASS OF TIME (COT) Rules Class (GCOR) H7 Simulator Or DPU Training S0 Return To Work Classroom Training E6 Peer Trainers (Simulator, Rcl, New Hire, DPU) A5 Peer Trainers (PTC, Leader, Trip Optimizer Programs) A3 Safety Captain K8 Safety Meetings K7 Total Safety Culture (Facilitator, I Team, C5 Meeting) A8 Operation Lifesaver E7 Operation Redblock (Coordinators) O1 Meetings With Supt,HDC,Labor Relations C7 Company Witness For Carrier (Deposition,Investigation)C7 Critical Incident P7 CMS Meeting / Vacation Scheduling H9 RCO Oversight Meeting 5A RCO Classroom (Not RCO Simulator) R5 MAPS (Triggering Event: Not Suspended) 4H MAPS (Triggering Event: Suspended) H4 Proactive MAPS Training 7K Other Company Business (Not Defined Above) Timekeeping Will Assign 3. Timekeeping Service Center TE&Y professionals who have need to contact Timekeeping or Payroll should do so by selecting the 'Timekeeping Service Center' link located within the 'Crew' menu on MyUP. Prior to creating a ticket, please note that CMTS claims which show 'Under Review' have not been processed and it is unnecessary for that claim. In addition, there is a 'Search Payroll Topics' feature on the upper portion of the ticket landing page which provides information on topics such as vacation qualification, bereavement, and jury duty. If you still have unanswered questions, create a ticket. To avoid delays be sure the appropriate category and topic is selected for proper routing to a resolution specialist. Depending on the category and topic, you may be prompted for additional information such as time slip number, claim date, or month/pay period. Accurately completing these fields will help the resolution specialist in their research and response. When completing the comment portion of the ticket, be sure to provide succinct details. Do not simply copy and paste your original claim comments; rather outline the reason for the inquiry. Users have the option to reopen a closed ticket where appropriate; however, it should not be repeatedly reopened once a timekeeper has indicated the issue cannot be resolved at their level. Your union chairperson can be a resource for guidance on the claim and web ticket processes. Web tickets are not required for union chairpersons to progress claims through the collective bargaining agreement appeals process; the time slip printout or pay stub/train slip showing a declination will suffice. Finally, when creating a web ticket, users are expected to remain professional and respectful in all communications, otherwise access may be suspended and/or revoked.

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